Organic CBD based products sold by KTAZ
Alsace-based KTAZ, specialists in organic CBD production, approached me to design a versatile brand identity. This was to be applied to a multitude of print and digital media, including packaging elements and an e-commerce site.

Addressing both the seasoned user and the potential new consumer, the brand voice is both serious and friendly.
Logo animation
Logo stamp
Featuring an icon with high recognition potential and the brand's name, the logo is versatile and easy to read. These qualities are essential when printing on low-cost or rough materials such as kraft paper. 
A universal symbol of approach and understanding, the eye establishes a direct connection with the consumer. Its bold style and half-closed design emphasise the natural, relaxing qualities of the products.
Logo on picture of plant
Logo on picture of plant
Packaging for KTAZ
Packaging for KTAZ
Embodying both rigor and ease through its geometric construction and soft, open curves, Roboto by Google Fonts is versatile and particularly legible, even when printed at very small size. Available in most online graphic design softwares, it gives my customers autonomy in the editing of their media.
Color palette
The visual identity is complemented by playful, engaging colors.
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
© Margot Moïo
responsive web Site
Animation showing different screen sizes of the responsive e-commerce website
Social media posts
Éléments annexes

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